Understanding the Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

The presence of wisdom teeth has been ruled as unnecessary. They generally cause more problems than any type of benefit within the mouth. They are especially troublesome because they are the last to erupt and they can disrupt the positioning of other teeth in the mouth. They also tend to grow at abnormal directions, often resulting in pain. If you are dealing with wisdom tooth pain, you are not alone. Wisdom teeth removal is an outpatient procedure performed on 5 million Americans each year. Understand the process and know what to expect when it comes to your wisdom tooth removal process.
Consult with your regular dentist
Most cosmetic dentist or routine dental offices do not specialize in wisdom teeth removal. They may offer the service of wisdom teeth removal, but it is not something that they frequently do. However, if you believe that your wisdom teeth are causing you problems, it is important to first consult with your regular dentist. If you receive regular dentistry checkups, it is likely that your dentist will identify the wisdom tooth before it ever erupts. The use of Xrays and other imaging tools allow them to see into the gums and the bone structures of your mouth. They may recommend wisdom teeth removal before you even experience any pain. If you are uncomfortable with traditional wisdom teeth removal, request a specialist.
Visit with an oral surgeon
An oral surgeon is not always necessary when it comes to wisdom teeth removal. They may be useful, however, when you have a fear of the dentist, have an impacted wisdom tooth, or have other difficult mouth conditions. Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to come into the mouth (erupt). Most people have four wisdom teeth at the back of the mouth, two on the top and two on the bottom. In most cases, they are simple to remove. In other cases, they are harder to reach or have rooted into the gums, resulting in a more complex of procedure. Additionally, many oral patients prefer the specialty of an oral surgeon because of their ability to use advanced anesthesia methods.
Follow after care instructions
Dental surgery, whether it is dental implants or the removal of the wisdom teeth are still a surgery and they require careful follow up steps. Your dentist will probably send you home with a pain medication and instructions to change the padding in your mouth regularly. You may not be able to eat solid foods until the area has healed. They will also instruct you not to drink anything out of a straw. Be careful to follow all of the instructions closely to prevent any complications with the surgery. If you have any pain that does not go away or problems with the surgery site, contact your dental office immediately.
Handle wisdom teeth problems ASAP
The thought of wisdom teeth removal is extremely scary for some. You may be tempted to put it off. However, the older that you are at the time and the longer that you let your wisdom teeth emerge, the more likely the procedure will be painful. If you wait too long, the teeth are more likely to become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are third molars at the back of the mouth that do not have enough room to emerge or develop normally. Ignoring wisdom teeth can also affect the spacing and overall look of your smile. They can damage corrections that braces and other cosmetic smile designs have previously fixed.
Most adults are forced to deal with troublesome wisdom teeth at some point. Wisdom teeth are not needed and can actually cause damage and harm to the rest of the teeth and mouth. If you have a wisdom tooth that is causing problems, such as pain, consider consulting with your regular dentist. They will evaluate the position and type of wisdom tooth and may refer you to an oral surgeon to have them removed. Be careful to take care of troublesome wisdom teeth immediately to prevent pain and movement of the current teeth.