What type of health technology do you use in order to better your working out? I’m not talking about the treadmill with the built in speedometer, mile counter, caloric burn estimator, and
Did you know that as of 2012, 55 percent of all health care practices in the United States had begun using electronic health record software? In the past year, that number has risen significantly.
The number of different diseases and illnesses that you could read about in health news articles today is virtually limitless. But now that fall is here and winter is knocking on the door step,
Did you know that collagen is the most important protein, not only for humans, but for all the vertebrates? It not only makes up more than 30 percent of the protein mass in the human organism, it is
Reference: Reference links. Great references here. Keywords: Emergency room equipment, Lynnwood walk in clinic, Seattle walk in clinic, Urgent care lynnwood wa, Everett urgent care, Children