What to Know When Choosing a Urgent Care Facility

More and more people are learning about urgent care facilities. These centers provide emergency care or services like vaccinations and laboratory testing. You can access urgent care centers any time you want, especially if you can’t make an appointment with your health provider. However, do not wait to get sick to start looking for an ER medical center. Check online or ask your neighbors about the nearest urgent care facility. You can also visit the facility and check if they accept your hospital insurance plan. Such information is vital before going for emergency treatment.
When going to ER or urgent care for abdominal pain, it is important to carry along your medical documents. This will help medics in an urgent care center to give you the best treatment. Also, ensure to inform the urgent care providers if you have any prescription medicines you’re taking. Most people take pain killers for abdominal pain relief, but you should let your doctor know. If you want to know the importance of express care vs urgent care, it is advisable to check online or ask the urgent care provider for more details. But, it is important to note that going to urgent care facility at weekends or when the doctor’s offices are closed may be busier than other times of the day.

One of the most popular facets of the American health care system is urgent care. Centers that provide this type of immediate healthcare treatment are often open 24 hours and can be extremely valuable when you cannot make a proper appointment with your physician. Here are five quick facts to keep in mind when looking for a urgent care center:
1. How does a urgent care center work?
Urgent care is also sometimes called immediate care, and for good reason. A urgent care center is walk in clinic that typically treats patients within 15 minutes of arriving. That is it. No appointment needed, unlike with your primary care physician.
2. Why not just go see my doctor?
As doctors take on more and more patients, there is less and less time being spent with each one. This means you might not be able to see your doctor when you need to. When this happens, a urgent care clinic staffed with its own doctors is likely your best option for fast, reliable treatment.
3. Where can I find a urgent care facility?
About 75 percent of urgent care centers are located in the suburbs. This is in contrast to many hospitals, which are found in more urban areas. The Urgent Care Association of America reports that Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago are the cities with the most urgent care centers in the United States. In your area, you can likely find urgent care in either free-standing buildings or medical plazas or retail centers.
4. Will a urgent care center have the medical resources I need?
Absolutely. More and more facilities are becoming equipped with X-ray and other machines for maximum health treatment. In addition, a number of urgent care centers are opting for point-of-care dispensing, which would allow you to leave the facility with your prescription right in your hands.
5. What if I have an emergency?
Of course, if you have a life-threatening injury or illness, the emergency room is the right place for you. Urgent care provides treatment for sprains, allergy issues, respiratory illnesses, dehydration, rashes and more. If you have a true life-or-death situation, seek emergency room care immediately.
It is important to note that urgent care is not emergency care. But it can still be a valuable resource if you need a quick treatment option for a non life-threatening injury or illness. There is probably a urgent care center nearby you. Remember it. More on this.