Two Main Components of an Effective Fitness Training Program

Getting fit is a personal and conscious decision that involves a lot of commitment. And therefore nothing should come in between your fitness journey like having to drive to and from the gym, waiting in line to use the equipment, and particularly the costly gym membership. That’s why you should consider building your own small home gym that has the basic – if not essential – fitness and exercise equipment. Most of this training equipment can be found in sports stores so you wouldn’t have to look far.
You start an effective fitness program using the most basic tools out there. In fact, your body can also serve as equipment for strength training, I bet you know that! But with proper home fitness equipment, you can achieve more while enjoying the process. Here’s what you should about the different types of exercise equipment.
Cardio (Aerobic) Training Equipment
These are essentially the rows of machines you’d normally see in health clubs and fitness centers designed for a range of exercises such as walking, skiing, walking, jogging, running and cycling. Some machines are powered others are not but for motorized equipment, you need to consider smaller versions of the gym equipment which don’t consume too much energy. Lighter home version equipment are also easy to move and don’t require much space for setup.
Cardio machines offer effective cardio workouts that help to burn excess fats and calories, keeping you in great shape. Home gym equipment allows you the convenience of working out indoors. So quit complaining about not having time for training and get to work. Depending upon the type of machine -whether it’s motorized or has any additional features like a display to record workout data, the prices could greatly vary.
Some good examples of effective home cardio training equipment are elliptical trainers, cross-country ski machines, stair-steppers, stair-steppers, and stair-steppers. An elliptical trainer, in particular, is a type of cross-trainer machine that combines the training element from a stair stepper and ski machine. They are simple and easy to use, and excellent for aerobic workouts too. Elliptical trainers offer low-impact workouts, and they come with adjustable grades and resistance levels to allow build up as your progress into fitness.
Strength Training Equipment
The other important component in a fitness program is strength training. It involves exercises that use gravity and weight as a resistance force to build body strength. Strength equipment are available in plenty of styles and they vary in price based on brands, from the premium gym and fitness equipment often used in health clubs to simple, affordable and more portable home versions.
Beginners are recommended to start with the basics first when choosing strength equipment. Getting a nice pair of workout shoes and few hand weights can help you get started. Add a resistance band, which is very effective in toning different muscle groups and full-body strength workout. Strength equipment are a great option and alternatives to heavy-duty lifting weight machines – they are also available in sports stores.
Some examples of other strength training equipment you can at sports stores include ankle weights, hand weights, resistance bands and tubing, cable machines, full-body workout equipment, and single-exercise machines. The good thing about strength training is that there are some exercises you can easily do at home without equipment – provided you have enough space, a quality exercise mat and a few free-weights.
It’s not a must you have dumbbells and kettlebells if you are only starting, instead you can improvise something like sandbags and water bottles. To ensure you’re on the right track with your fitness program – especially if you’re just beginning – consult with a fitness expert or search for strength training guides and manual for beginners online.
This is a good place to start with as you’ll learn the basics, but as a standard workout rule, it’s important to warm up first before the session begins. Visit your local sports store and see what they have in stock your fitness needs. Check for other essential and training accessories that you might find useful for your session, and all the best in your fitness journey.