Few things will ruin your plans and land you in bed or on the couch faster than back pain. When back pain gets severe, even sitting, walking, or standing can become excruciatingly painful. There are
It may be gross to think about, but someone has to do it. If the thought of where everything flushed down the toilet goes has ever crossed your mind, watch to see the whole process and understand how
If you want to increase wheelchair accessibility in your home, there are a few key areas that you’ll need to improve. Not sure where to begin? Here are some of the most important places in your
Living a healthy-conscious life involves plenty of activities. Among them are eating healthy meals and living in the right environment. There are plenty of things that you can do in your kitchen to
Out with the old: UFOs released by the FBI, unknown illnesses, and a general sense of unease. After a year like this one, the entire world is in desperate need of a reset button. Let’s leave this
Video Source American Doctor Charity Saves Lives Around the World is an inspirational video about how Doctor Farmer and his colleagues revolutionized healthcare by bridging the gap that exists