How Neuropsychiatry Programs Can Revolutionize Society’s View of Mental Health

Mental health issues can be a touchy subject in today’s mainstream society, but the dialogue is slowly start to open up. Where once there was a stringent stigma on the subject, people are now beginning to understand the severity of letting these issues go unattended and undiagnosed. What’s more, people are now beginning to comprehend that these issues are far more common than society’s stigma would have you believe. The rise of neuropsychiatry programs for the purpose of diagnosing problems and assisting patients in coping is just one aspect in a series of steps to correct society’s view of these issues.
Occupational therapy and neuropsychiatry programs
For those with mental health issues, particularly those issues that can end up affecting their physical and cognitive abilities in addition to the core mental issues, occupational therapy can be key in helping to reintroduce basic skills and functions that will allow them to more easily and independently operate or reintegrate into everyday activities. This type of therapy is also crucial in allowing these patients to be able to feel like contributing members of society. But one of the first steps is going through the process of neuropsychiatric evaluations and exams, by professional and qualified neuropsychiatric doctors who know exactly what to look for and how to treat it.
Common disorders and how neuropsychiatry programs can help
Among the most common of mental illnesses within the United States are anxiety disorders, as around 40 million adults across the country deal with some form or another of these disorders. That number accounts for about 18% of the population, a staggering number. For such a large percentage, there should definitely be more awareness and willingness to openly discuss these issues, so that more people can truly get a handle on the conditions that have such a significant impact on so many. Not every case will find patients winding up in psychiatric hospitals, but the fact that there are varying degrees of various forms of anxiety disorders should garner a more widespread education about them.
Suffering from a mental disorder? You are not alone
The term neuropsychiatry programs may sound intimidating or more serious than what you think you need, but it quite simply boils down to treatment programs by psychiatric doctors who can help you to grasp what is going on in your head. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, but partially because of the associated stigma and partially out of fear or insecurity, along with a host of other reasons, a full two-thirds of adults who suffer from anxiety do not seek or get treatment. Sadly, only one in five teenagers who suffer from anxiety get help. But if we begin to break down the walls of misconceptions about mental disorders, more people can start getting the help that they deserve.
Subtracting the fear and adding the solutions to mental healthcare
Neuropsychiatry is simply the study of mental disorders that result from nervous system conditions. Doctors and other professionals in the field can help. There are 6 million people who suffer from panic disorders, 7.7 million people attempting to deal with post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, and 15 million people who struggle with social anxiety disorders. There are ways to deal with these conditions, but you have to be willing to take the first step to reach out for help. It may seem terrifying, but think of the life you can regain or build anew if you can bring yourself to be brave enough to take that first step. Reach out, and trust that there will be someone on the other side to grab your outstretched hand, and not let go.