Facts On Surgical Procedures

The process and prospect of getting surgery is something that many American adults fear. Now, imagine how difficult it must be for a child that must face the repair of facial and neck injuries. This process can be incredibly daunting but at the same time, it is absolutely essential that children get the right help and treatment that they need from doctors.
If children do not get the help that they need because if they are not properly treated then things can spiral out of control and symptoms will worsen. Understand that 83% of all children will end up having at the very least one ear infection before they reach their third birthday. Here are all the facts on repair of facial and neck injuries and why this process is so important.
Getting repair of facial and neck injuries is important for children. Plenty of children enjoy playing and being active and unless they get the repair of facial and neck injuries that they need, they will be hindered in terms of physical activity. When a child goes without the repair of facial and neck injuries then they will end up having to deal with the future implications of these injuries.
For just about 60% of all children, genes are believed to be responsible for hearing loss. The same cannot be said for the need of repair of facial and neck injuries. Just about 30% of all children without hearing are in that situation because of possible infections during pregnancy. There are many reasons as to why repair of facial and neck injuries, it is hard to boil it down to just one.
Thirty years ago, approximately 90% of tonsillectomies in children were done for recurrent infection whereas now it is about 20% for infection and 80% for obstructive sleep problems. The rate of tonsillectomy is twice as high in girls as opposed to boys whereas the rate of an adenoidectomy is only 1.5 times as high in boys as opposed to girls.
Recent government data was gathered and released which revealed that there are anywhere between 300,000 to 400,000 performed every single year in children and teenagers. To the surprise of many, repair of facial and neck injuries can be needed if there is extreme snoring as well. As a matter of fact, snoring and obstructive sleep is very serious and can lead to a need for repair of facial and neck injuries.
Up to 3% of all children will have some form of Sleep Disordered Breathing issue and this can cause snoring. Just about 12% of all children in the general population will snore and while it may not seem serious it is important to monitor how bad the snoring can be. Aural Atresia means the ear canal has failed to form and there is no opening from the outside ear to the hearing bones. In about 80% of cases, this congenital abnormality is present on one side only.
If surgery is needed to repair a cleft palate then it is recommended by experts to get this type of surgery within the first 18 months of the child’s life. If surgery is needed to repair a cleft lip then it is recommended within the very first year of life as well. The Center for Disease Control has recently released information revealing that there are over 2,500 babies born with a cleft palate and 4,440 babies born with a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate.
In Conclusion
While it is intimidating to get surgery to repair of facial and neck injuries, especially for children, the importance of this process cannot be overstated in any sort of way. Children that need this type of surgery could end up suffering in the near future if they do not receive the proper treatment that they need. If the situation is left untouched the problem could continue to grow and become worse with time and that is the last thing any parent wants for their child.