Explaining Common Myths Surrounding Planning Your Own Funeral: Part 1

When a person dies, there is a lot for their loved ones to do to take care of all of their business. One of the biggest things that have to be done is to arrange for the funeral and burial. Sometimes, you have a person pass away from wants to be cremated, and you then have to set up cremation services. If you are on a tight budget with the funeral and other costs, you may need to look for the cheapest way to be buried so that you can afford both the burial and the funeral service.
A cheap funeral service can sometimes be had from a discount funeral home. At other funeral homes, there may be a basic service available that is an inexpensive way to celebrate the life of the deceased. In these cases, you will likely want to find a cheap funeral casket as well as the cheapest burial option for your loved one. It can be hard to shop for a funeral, but you may have to do this n order to find one that you can afford. To find the least expensive service, don’t be afraid to call around to funeral homes to check prices.
As hard as it may be to talk about, death is just a part of life. Over 2 million people die in the U.S. every year, so it should not be considered a taboo event. While it may be difficult to come to terms with death, it actually can be made easier by looking into your own funeral planning. Planning your own funeral can help bring you to terms with what will happen after you pass, and how you can create a plan to ensure your family is taken care of properly.
There are plenty of steps to planning a funeral, but unfortunately, there are some common myths out there can deter someone from going the extra step and speaking with a funeral director. Here are some of the top myths of planning your own funeral that you shouldn’t believe.
Myth: Because it is so far down the line, talking about funeral planning is irrelevant.
This is simply untrue. Waiting until death is imminent will be harder on your loved ones. You will want to have a clear mind so you can focus on the task at hand, rather than being overcome with emotion.
Myth: I should make the plans all by myself.
You never want there to be a time when your loved ones are surprised during the mourning period. To prevent this, always include them in any and all of your funeral planning, from the smallest details of going with your spouse to pick out cremation urns to picking out the songs you want to be played at the ceremony. Having everyone be in the know is the easiest way for everyone to prepare.
Myth: I already have a cemetery plot or my cremation urns picked out, so I don’t need to do anything else.
Just because you have taken the proactive step to pre-purchase your final arrangements, that doesn’t mean that everything is set. You’ll want to ensure everything you have planned is set in stone before you pass on so there are no discrepancies. That way, you and your family will know your needs will be met.
There is a lot of misinformation surrounding planning your own funeral, so we will continue explaining more myths in our next blog post.