Are You Unhappy With Your Smile?

Are you unhappy with your smile? Are you considering reconstructive dentistry services? If so, then you will want to tune in to watch this video. This video goes over the different reconstructive services offered to patients.

When a patient is considering a mouth reconstruction it could be for many reasons. Depending on the severity of your teeth’s condition, you may only need limited cosmetic treatment.

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This treatment is best when you have one or two teeth that need work. If a patient is unhappy with their entire smile, then their option is a complete smile makeover treatment. This is typically when they want to fix at least six teeth. Often times people have more than six teeth showing when they smile, so this treatment could be an even bigger makeover. Reconstructive dentistry services are not only present to fix up a handful of teeth but there to completely give a new smile to patients who are unhappy with all of their teeth. Patients can choose if they want a minor reconstruction or a major reconstruction.

To learn more about the different cosmetic options available to patients, watch the full video. Get your smile and confidence back with reconstructive services.


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