Winter Is Here The Symptoms Urgent Care Treats For All Your Winter Illnesses

Human beings aren’t immune to getting sick. From the sneezing and running nose of the common cold, to the constant coughing of bronchitis, to the aches and chills of flu; Humans experience these symptoms once, twice, three times during the year. During winter months, many individuals get sick. This is because more viruses spread during cold weather, especially influenza (it spreads well in cool, dry temperatures). So, it’s safe to say that people get sick a lot during winter. However, what happens when you can’t see your primary doctor? That’s where urgent care clinics come in! Many of these walk-in clinics are open seven days out of the week, which, of course, is very convenient for the sick. If you’re one of the three million patients that visit urgent care, (and you’re sick), here’s all you need to know about the symptoms urgent care treats for all your winter illnesses.
There are about 20,000 professional physicians who practice at urgent care clinics. To begin, these physicians treat illnesses that children get during the winter months. Children contract illnesses very easily during the winter. Children are in close contact with other children while they’re in school or daycares. Additionally, some children do not wash their hands enough or cover their mouth when they cough. This, along with the cold of the winter, all contribute to children getting sick. If your child is sick, here are a few illnesses and symptoms urgent care clinics treat.
There are six common illnesses that children get during the winter. They are the common cold, bronchitis,influenza,pneumonia, and croup. The common cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and the throat. Urgent care clinics treat the symptoms of the common cold by suggesting a decongestant, cough medicine, and anti inflammatory medications; all of these medicines will be in child form. For example, children’s Tylenol and children’s cold and flu medicines. These over the counter medicines should help relieve the symptoms of the common cold. Physicians may also suggest cough drops. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes that causes coughing. For the treatment of bronchitis, the physician will recommend cough medicines and cough drops. Additionally, an inhaler and antibiotics may be required. Influenza is a common viral infection that causes many symptoms, such as fever and body aches. Urgent care clinic physicians will suggest plenty of rest, plenty of fluids, children’s ibuprofen, and cold and flu medicines if your child has influenza. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs that is caused by either a virus or bacteria. If your child has pneumonia, an urgent care physician will recommend treatment that is similar to the flu. Children need plenty of rest and fluids. Breathing treatments may also be recommended. If your child has bacterial pneumonia, an antibiotic will be necessary. It is important to note that adults also get each of these illnesses during winter months. The one illnesses only children get during winter months is croup. Croup is an upper respiratory infection commonly found in children. The infection blocks breathing and causes children to develop a barking type cough. An urgent care physician will recommend cough medicines, anti-inflammatory medicines, oxygen therapy, and sometimes steroids.
Adults suffer from illnesses and symptoms during the winter months as well. However, urgent care clinics treat them! The first one is strep throat. Strep throat is a bacterial infection that causes an inflamed, sore and scratchy throat. If you have strep throat, urgent care physicians will prescribe antibiotics and suggest anti inflammatory medications. Fluids are also very important when you have strep throat. Asthma is another illness or symptom that urgent care clinics treat. For adults with asthma, the cold winter months can trigger this condition. It is important to be careful during the winter months if you have asthma. Your wheezing and shortness of breath can become worse because of the cold air. Physicians will recommend taking regular medications and using an inhaler frequently. Another illness adults get in the winter months is sinus infections. A sinus infection is inflamed nasal passages. This can cause pain in the head and behind the eyes. Physicians will recommend pain medications, nasal decongestants, and sometimes antibiotics.