When Was the Last Time You Went on a Long Bike Adventure?

It has been a summer of adventure. With new bike racks on the RV that your family uses to travel, you have decided to select your camping locations based on available bike riding trials. Both of your teenage boys were allowed to pick two places where they wanted to go and then you and your husband selected one location each. With careful planning and the blessing of really good weather, you were able to travel in and out of 15 different states without any real effort.
With carefully planned stops, some of the locations the boys selected were locations that included biking trails that crossed back and forth between two, three, sometimes four states. These locations helped you to personally experience the state borders that you had long ago memorized on the maps on classes in both high school and college. The types of bikes that you recently purchased are pretty rugged in their construction. This means that you were able to get the bike rides that you had scheduled completed in a faster pace than the older bikes you had would have allowed. With hundreds of photos from this summer’s biking adventures you hope to create a map of where you have biked so far and begin planning a few more short weekend outings while the good biking weather is still around.
The Types of Bike Saddles That You Select Can Enhance Your Riding Experiences
Bicycle saddles help riders enjoy their travels and encourage them to travel longer trails and cover longer distances. Comfortable bike seats, in fact, are often the difference between someone who only takes a ride once a month or so, and someone who plans entire vacations around the ability to be able to find the best bicycle paths in the country. Finding the right types of bike saddles can help you enjoy the ride while you get the exercise that you need.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the bicycle industry and the importance of finding the best types of bike saddles:
- The bicycle industry in America reached $6.2 billion in direct sales in the year 2015. In a time when the nation is full of people who need to find a way to stay more active in order to be healthy, bike riding is becoming an essential part of the lives of more and more people.
- At more than 1 billion, there are twice as many bicycles in the world as there are cars. Families who are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact that they are making, biking is a popular choice for many.
- Kids do not always have the chance to ride their bicycles today as much as children of the previous generations. Finding a time to and a place to ride is the first step to getting your children involved in riding bicycles.
- Estimates indicate that $1.2 billion in used bicycles were sold in the year 2015.
- A rider who can find the right types of bike saddles for the different kinds of riding is more likely to continue with the great avenue for getting extended amounts of exercising.
- Liking your bike is a motivation for many riders.
- One study conducted by the British Medical Association found that coronary heart disease was reduced by as much as 50% when a person cycles 20 miles a week.
- Nearly $81 million is spent on bicycling gear in the U.S. This is an impressive amount, especially when it is compared to the $51 billion spent on airplane tickets and fees.
- Going on a bike ride at the end of a long day of work can help you relax, as well as help you get the exercise that your body needs and enjoys.
- Research indicates that people who participate in outdoor activities spend over $10 billion a year on bicycling gear, accessories, and the bikes themselves, including the bike racks that allow families to take their bikes with them on vacation.
- Instead of paying for expensive parking fees, many workers in large cities bike to a bus stop and commute to and from their office whenever the weather permits.
- Do you have a bike seat that is comfortable?
- Every day you do not ride is a wasted opportunity.