Tips for Preparing for the Home Care of Your Senior Parent

When you have senior citizens in your home, you should be ready to give them the care and attention they deserve. You should note that as your loved one gets older, the more care and attention they need. Apart from mobility support, you should also help them get proper medical and health care. If you decide to give your loved one in home care, you need knowledge for better results.
The knowledge you have about senior assisted living will help you determine the best way to provide a quality home care service and keep your loved one safe and happy. In cases where your loved one has a condition to be keen on, you need to provide 24 7 in home health care. This also means looking for healthcare practitioners and trained nurses to give the needed services.
When looking for professionals to provide adult care in home, confirm their qualifications and reputation. This is important as you will need 24 hour assisted living services, especially if you have tight work schedules. You also consider the service fees before hiring the healthcare provider or nurse. Note that it becomes easier to provide proper care to the elderly in your home when you gain knowledge and seek professional help. It also becomes easier to handle other needs in your home when your loved one is in good hands.
Have you made the difficult decision to move your senior parent into your house? This is a tough decision for adult children for many reasons. You are becoming the full time caregiver of your parent. You may be required to make household changes to better suite their needs. You will also find that the everyday care for them is similar to taking on a second full time position. As you prepare for the arrival of your senior parent, keep the following helpful supplies in mind. They will make their stay more comfortable and will allow you to assist them easier.
Handicap accessible bedroom and bathroom
Not all houses are set up for easy handicap accessibility. If all of your bedrooms are above a flight of stairs, it may be impossible for them to travel to and from the room. Consider converting a main level room into a bedroom for both of your convenience. Also, choose a bedroom that is nearby a bathroom. If the kitchen is not located near this bedroom, place a mini fridge in the room. The more resources that your parent has available in their room, the more comfortable they will be overall.
Invest in a hospital bed
Hospital beds are perfect for those recovering from a surgery or for those who require a little extra assistance. Hospital beds are usually automated, allowing for correct positioning. They can also be lowered, making it easier to get in and out of the bed. Also consider purchasing disposable bed pads to protect the mattress of the bed. If your parent requires feeding bags for patients, they can easily be attached to the outside of the hospital bed. Feeding bags for patients may even be easier to use with a secure attachment position.
Keep well stocked with adult diapers
Urinary incontinence increases with age from 14% in individuals 65 to 69 years to 45% in those aged 85 years and over. Even if your parent is capable of getting to and from the bathroom, adult diapers for sale can be helpful for accidents. It is also possible that your parent is too embarrassed to request them, so simply providing them is helpful for everyone. You can also stock the feeding bags for patients along with the adult diapers.
Walking device
Walking aids may be necessary following a surgery or to accommodate medical conditions. The best walkers for seniors provide assistance for both. Approximately 16.4% of people using walking aids prefer canes, 11.6% of the elderlies use walkers, just over 6% take assistance of a wheelchair, and about 2.3% use scooters. Evaluate your parent?s mobility needs. It is possible that they would benefit from multiple walking devices. Walking canes can be used for minor movement throughout the house, while scooters can be used for longer distances, outside of the house. Other walking assistive devices, like hernia belts are especially beneficial following a surgery.
In home medical care
Many adult children are unprepared for the amount of home care that is required for caring for a parent. If you find yourself quickly overwhelmed and unable to take a break, consider outsourcing some of the duties. In home medical care can give you the break you need. They can also care for your senior parent while you are at work or caring for your family. In home medical care professionals assist with all types of duties, including physical therapy, changing feeding bags for patients, and medicine administration.
By 2030, older adults will account for roughly 20% of the U.S. population. This growing population of aging seniors means that more adult children will become the primary caregiver for their parent. Taking on the home care for a parent is a huge responsibility that can quickly become overwhelming. Prepare yourself for the care of your parent by choosing a bedroom that is handicap accessible, stocking up with feeding bags and adult diapers, investing in a hospital bed, and considering in home care when tasks become overwhelming.