The Importance of Regular Doctors’ Visits

Health organizations claim you should see your family doctor for a check up every year, but who really has the time or energy for that? Many Americans decide to put off these visits, and opt for walk in clinics when their symptoms become unbearable. Though this may have benefits, such as lower treatment cost, it has severe health risks. There are a variety of long term health problems that can progress into serious issues, and result in long Emergency Room stays or worse. Luckily, your family doctor can help you manage these illnesses, if you make time to see them each year. Read on to discover more about why you should continue regular checks up with your family practice doctors.
4 Manageable, Yet Potentially Dangerous Diseases
1. Low testosterone levels.
It may seem unimaginable that you or anyone you know has this health issue since it seems so rare and unique. But, you may be surprised to learn, that some studies have shown that low testosterone occurs in as many as 13 million Americans. The reason this metabolic concern may seem so unusual is because it is deeply underreported and under-treated. Actually, only 10% of Americans suffering from this disease receive treatment. This is due to the fact that the disease is characterized by low energy, which many Americans face especially as society becomes busier and busier. Low testosterone treatment is not difficult or complex, but if you do not see your family doctor, the symptoms may go unnoticed and untreated.
2. Alcohol and drug abuse problems.
Most individuals can enjoy a drink or two after work and still maintain their composure, but an increasingly large number of people are unable to stop themselves from continuing. Alcohol has become the #1 drug problem in the United States, with the most susceptible individuals between the ages of 18 and 29 and those who are highly educated. As this problem becomes increasingly prominent on college campuses, which builds habits that follow people throughout their lives, it is imperative for society to implement a safety net for those who fall into this category. A wide variety of treatment and rehab centers have opened to combat this growing health concern, and your family doctor can provide information about what constitutes a drug problem and how to enroll in a treatment center. A regular check up creates a safe environment for you to discuss these issues.
3. Obesity and related issues.
Americans are getting larger and larger, but the cause remains unknown. Obesity is a completely preventable condition, and many have overcome the consequences of gaining excess weight, though it takes a lot of determination. At a regular check up, your family doctor can counsel you on effective weight loss strategies and how to maintain a healthy weight. Some of leading causes of preventable death are heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, which are all obesity-related. By working with your family medicine doctor, you can prevent weight gain, and, therefore, these potentially life threatening conditions.
4. Anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.
As society becomes more of a pressure cooker, with deadlines fast approaching and expectations rising, mental illness follows. Currently, 40 million adults in the United States age 18 or older suffer from anxiety disorders, the most common form of mental illness. At 18% of the U.S. population, this is a serious public health concern. Your family doctor can recommend therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists to help you or a loved one overcome depression or anxiety, and lead a life free of suffering. The fact that 80% of depressed individuals do not seek professional help just goes to show that everyone needs to look for signs of mental illness and encourage their loved ones to attend regular check ups with their family practitioner.
Your health is no joke! Make sure you see your family doctor each year to prevent these potentially life threatening illnesses. Many diseases are easily treatable, and your doctor can suggest treatment paths that are effective and appropriate for your lifestyle. Stay healthy!