The Benefits of Visiting Urgent Care

Every single year, Americans, cumulatively, get sick with approximately 1 billion colds. More seriously, an average of 5-20% of Americans come down with a various strain of the flu each year. With sickness being so common in the U.S., medical care is necessary. However, with so many people be stuck to rigid work schedules, unable to see doctors during their working hours, it can be difficult to get proper medical care as needed. Thankfully, walk in clinics are a great way to get your medical issues diagnosed by a physician even while on a tight schedule.
Walk in clinics, often referred to as urgent care clinics, are a means for people to see a medical professional without having to go to the Emergency Room. Walk in clinics are a sound way to easily receive medical care throughout the day. A majority of walk in clinics are open from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm during the weekday (some even until 9:00 pm), and 85% of urgent care centers are even open every day of the week. Furthermore, most visits take little time, with a majority of patients appointments lasting less than 60 minutes.
While you might think that you will only receive a diagnosis at an urgent care location, there are nearly 20,000 physicians currently practicing medicine at Urgent Care facilities today.These physicians can introduce intravenous fluids as needed, can heal most skeletal fractures, and can prescribe medicine electronically, otherwise making the visit short and effective. Similarly, if you are trying to avoid the flu, you can be given a flu shot without an urgent care location.
For athletes, or those in musculoskeletal pain, walk in clinics can provide quick help, as needed. It is estimated that roughly 25,000 Americans suffer from the effects of an ankle sprain each day. To anyone that has had a distinct, physical injury, ranging from sprains to broken limbs, walk in clinics can provide quick care without a long wait. With 80% of urgent care locations can provide care for bone fractures, patients can provide thorough, timely care in a comfortable setting.
Walk in urgent care is a useful way to ensure that you, as a patient, can receive quick, thorough, and professional medical care. Whether you are dealing with a cold or ankle sprain, an urgent care location can help you heal.