Taking A Look At Changing Obesity Rates Here In The United States

For many people here in the United States, weight presents a very real struggle indeed. In fact, up to one third of the current adult population is currently considered to be obese, with more than 75 million people falling into this classification back in the year of 2010. In the next ten years or so, it’s estimated that up to one half of the adult population will become obese as well. And children are not immune to this epidemic. Unfortunately, more than 12% of all children in this country are now obese – and are likely to grow up into obese adults if nothing is done to stop it.
There are a number of reasons that this is the case. For one thing, a lack of exercise is profound all throughout the American population. While the average child will now spend up to seven and a half hours using various types of screens (with up to four and a half of those hours spent just watching TV) only about one third of all children are getting up and moving for an hour everyday, as has been medically recommended. In addition to this, no more than 5% of the total adult population in this country is getting even 30 minutes of exercise, with less than half of this group of people participating in enough exercise on a weekly basis, per the guidelines that have been set out.
Fortunately, there are many ways that this can be changed and healthier lifestyles embarked upon. Home fitness stores, for instance, have become more common – so much so that there is likely at least one home fitness store near you. At these home fitness stores, you’ll be able to purchase home fitness equipment. For those who don’t want to workout at a gym but who still need some guidance when it comes to exercise – especially when they are first beginning to exercise – home fitness equipment is often one of the best ways to go about things.
Of course, not everyone will easily be able to afford this home fitness equipment. Fortunately, home fitness can be obtained even without the use of home fitness equipment – and with relative ease, at that. For instance, many people will participate in home fitness simply by getting up and moving more, such as by going on walks. Walking is, after all, the most popular and universally enjoyed and participated in exercise of those who exercise on a daily basis. Walking, though it might not seem like it’s doing all that much, can have a profoundly positive impact on your overall health, and not one that can easily be brushed off or overlooked in any way.
And no matter how much home fitness you partake in, it will also be important to improve your diet as well. Unfortunately, diet is a key factor in obesity. People are simply eating far too much of what is bad for them and far too little of what is good. After all, the total number of fast food restaurants in this country has doubled over the last half of a century or so. And while this food might be good tasting and hugely convenient – not to mention inexpensive – it is full of ingredients that are detrimental to your health and that can easily cause weight gain. For instance, refined grains are common, as are sugars and saturated fats and high levels of sodium. All of the above can lead to weight gain when this type of food is eaten on a regular basis and there is a lack of a nutritionally adequate diet as well.
For those who are unsure how to go about fixing their diet, working with a nutritionist has been found to be quite healthy and helpful for many people. Such a professional can help to change the relationship with food entirely. They can also help to educate their clients on nutrition – and all the reasons that it matters so very much for people of all ages and throughout the entire duration of the typical life.