Five Tips for Dealing with Burnout at Work

Although there are some careers that lead to higher rates of job burnout, any employee is at risk. Job burnout is usually characterized by an overwhelming feeling of stress and lack of focus when at work. Job burnout can lead to a decline in overall quality of life. If you are wondering how to deal with burnout at work, these burnout treatment methods can get you feeling better about your job again.
Acknowledge the burnout
Before you can learn how to deal with burnout at work, it is first important to notice that there is a problem. Burnout symptoms can be present any many ways, including a lack of sleep, poor eating habits, or a strain on relationships at home. Some people do not even realize that their home problems are due to job burnout. Consider your feelings and stress levels when at work. Once you identify that there is a problem, you can work towards dealing with it.
Speak to someone
Piling on all of your work related emotions and keeping them to yourself can be a problem. Many studies show that talk related therapy can be extremely therapeutic because you are expressing your worries to another person. You do not necessarily have to speak to a counselor or psychology. Sometimes, simply being open with a spouse, friend, or your boss can be helpful in relieving the burnout feelings.
Some places of employment have methods for how to deal with burnout at work. This is especially common in high burnout industries. According to a Medscape Physician Lifestyle Survey published in January 2017, emergency doctors suffer the highest rate of burnout of all medical professions, with 59% agreeing they felt burned out. Additionally, studies show that physicians are almost twice as likely as the general U.S. population to report being dissatisfied with their work life balance. Medical industries tend to have professional on site assistance that can help deal with job burnout.
Find a better work life balance
Job burnout often comes from a poor work life balance. Some jobs make separating life and work difficult. If possible, avoid taking work home with you. Speak to your boss about avoiding work responsibilities when at home. Job burnout can lead to life burnout. If you find that job burnout is having a significant impact on your overall life and there is nothing you can do about it, it might be time to consider switching jobs or employment industries all together.
Speak with your physician
Physicians tend to deal with medical problems, but can usually offer valuable resources for job burnout symptoms. Additionally, employees that suffer from job burnout symptoms might notice an increase in medical symptoms. Two thirds of both men and women say work has a significant impact on their stress level, and one in four has called in sick or taken a mental health day as a result of work stress. An increase of prolonged stress can decrease the immune system, thus leaving you feeling tired and sick more often.
Practice self care
Many burnout psychology professionals recommend placing value on self care. Self care is the process of scheduling yourself in to take care of your mental health. This could mean taking more vacations, increased your exercise frequency, or taking up a new hobby. These methods reduce your overall stress levels and can help with job burnout. Work with a licensed counselor on creating a self care plan that works for you.
Many professions are at risk of job burnout. Job burnout can affect your life, your health, and especially your job success. If you are wondering how to deal with burnout at work, fortunately there are many successful methods. Talk over your concerns with someone, make self care a priority, and if everything else fails, consider switching jobs.