Are You Ready to Follow Through on a Serious New Year’s Resolution?

New Year’s Resolution Review:
2014- Eat more fruit. Success!
2015- Return shopping cart to the inside of the store, every time. Success (mostly)!
2016- Clean dryer lint trap after every single load. Success!
2017- Use less plastic. Is it possible to be free of both resealable bags and plastic covering? You have a year to figure it out.
Maybe it is time to get real. For the last four years it has been important to set goals that were attainable. Having three children in the last four years has required quite a bit of energy. Quite a bit of organization. Quite a bit of patience and perseverance. The fact that the the oldest of the three children has started preschool full time now leaves you with a little bit of time for yourself.
And this year you are going to use your time to attain a real goal, to get back in shape and to lose the wait that you have gained during the years of being a parent to three young children. The previous resolutions have been funny and entertaining stories to share with your friends, but you realize that it is important to take a serious approach to your need for weight loss and an increased amount of exercise.
The stories of telling your friends about the morning exercises you achieve while you get dressed, but this extra weight that you are carrying is no longer funny. The fact that you can barely stand on one leg leg enough to get a sock on the other foot is not really a joke. It is actually a concern. With three young children, in fact, it is even more important to spend the time and energy to get back in shape. You will become a parent with more energy and more confidence to take on goals bigger than eating more fruit and taking the lent out of the dryer when you fold clothes.
Are You Getting Ready to Start a Physicians Weight Loss Program?
This is the time of the year when people are making the decision to either stick with or abandon the New Year’s Resolutions that they made a month ago. If you have a really big goal like losing weight, you might need the extra motivation and support provided by physicians weight loss programs. Weight loss for women after they have had children can be especially challenging, but working with a physicians weight loss system can make it possible. We all know the reasons that we should lose weight and exercise more. Without the help of a physicians weight loss plan, however, these goals are often difficult to achieve. Exercise and weight loss can make you feel better about yourself and give you more energy. Are you ready to start? Doctor weight loss programs are the key to achieving many of the goals that people have.
Consider some of the major reasons why you should follow through on all of the best resolutions that you have made in the past as well as some of the medical procedures that might help:
- 66% of Americans are overweight or obese.
- Despite good health and reasonable levels of fitness, some people still have localized fat deposits that they are unable to get rid of.
- For some people, it is not enough to watch the food that they eat and get the right amount of exercise. For these people, the only want to remove stubborn fat pockets may be a medical procedure like liposuction.
- Liposuction is a very well tolerated procedure and pain is not much of a concern when performed using long lasting anesthetics.
- Taking the natural hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is an effective medical weight loss treatment that works for many individuals. In fact, research indicates that a daily, small dose of hCG can result in a weight loss of one to two pounds a day, these injections are also accompanied by a very low calorie meal plan of approximately 500 calories a day.
- The decision to stick with a plan to losing weight is a commitment to improving your health, including decreasing the chances for heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.
Are you ready to finally reach your goals?