When Was the Last Time You Visited a Quick Care Health Clinic?

If you could just get some sleep.
It is the third night in a row when you find yourself awake in the middle of the night. In fact, you are certain that you have been awake more than you have been asleep. It is difficult to get over this cough and congestion without a good night’s best, but it is impossible to sleep more than an hour at a time when you are feeling this miserable.
As you lay in bed thinking through your options, you finally decide that you need to do something now. You wake your husband to let him know that you are going into the closest family quick care clinic. As explanation, you tell your husband that you are hoping to get some answers, and possibly a prescription that will help you kick this seven day health concern as well as get some sleep.
Less than two hours later, you are back in bed ready to get some rest. In the short amount of time since you made the decision to make a visit to the family quick care clinic you have been able to see a doctor, get a prescription and have it filled, and take the first dose. You are more convinced than before that if you can just get some rest you can wake up feeling better.
Family Health Clinic Provide a Variety of Services
After Hours urgent care centers continue to grow in popularity as Americans adjust to the uncertainty of health care coverage. Just as many experience access to health care insurance for the first time in their lives, this same group of people is watching the news to see if the Affordable Care Act will remain in place, or if it will be scrapped. As a result, many of these families with insurance coverage are now making sure that they get the preventative and emergency care that they need while it is affordable to them. Consider some of the areas of care that are offered by family quick care clinics in this country, and why these settings are the best choice for many.
Quick Tests with Immediate Results. Whether you are trying to determine if you have the latest strain of Influenza A or a sexually transmitted disease (STD), walk in health clinics can give you the answers you need. It will likely come as no surprise that current data indicates that the U.S. needs nearly 52,000 more primary care physicians by 2025 to meet our healthcare needs. And while some of these health professionals will offer their services in traditional family practices, a growing number will offer their services at emergency walk in clinics across the country.
Rather than waiting until an appointment is available and then waiting to see a doctor, more and more Americans walk in to a neighborhood health clinic to get the tests that they want. From a test for strep throat to STD testing procedures, a quick care clinic can often provide immediate answers.
Emergency Services. It is a known fact that hospital emergency rooms have to triage, or prioritize, the patients that they see. Perhaps because of this policy the wait times in emergency rooms around the nation continue to increase. In fact, between the years 2003 and 2009, the mean wait time in ERs across the country went up by 25%, from 46.5 minutes to 58.1 minutes. Patients who make the decision to visit a family quick care clinic, on the other hand, have shorter waits. In fact, a quick phone call before going in to many offices can help you locate a clinic that has no patients waiting.
Although they provide expedient service, the care that these clinics give is still of high quality. In fact, many of these centers are able to provide x-rays and other screenings as well as do all of the necessary blood work for other conditions.
Affordable Care. The horror stories of large hospital room emergency bills keep some patients from getting care. Did you know, for instance, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey indicates the average ER visitor pays total costs of $1,318 and a mean cost of $615? Health care clinics, on the other hand, often have fees that are so affordable and predictable that they are posted.