What You Should Know About Medicaid Waiver Services

Not all services are covered by Medicaid and some people may need more care than what the plan offers. That’s where waiver services come in. Medicaid waiver services are special programs that allow states to waive some of the rules and requirements of Medicaid and provide additional services to certain groups of people. These services are usually home and community-based services (HCBS) that help people stay in their homes or communities instead of going to an institution, such as a nursing home or hospital. Medicaid waiver can include:
- Personal care, such as help with bathing, dressing, eating, or toileting
- Homemaker services
- Home health aides, such as help with medication, wound care, or therapy
- Respite care, such as temporary relief for caregivers
- Case management, such as help with coordinating and accessing services
- Adult daycare, such as supervised activities and socialization
- Transportation, such as help with getting to medical appointments or other places
- Assistive technology, including devices or equipment that help with communication, mobility, or daily living
- Other services that meet the individual’s needs and preferences
Each state has its Medicaid waiver programs targeting different populations and conditions, like for people with developmental disabilities. Medicaid waiver services can help you improve your quality of life and independence by providing the care and support you need in your home or community. You can contact your local Medicaid office or website to learn more about your state’s Medicaid waiver programs and how to apply for them.