How Ibogaine Therapy Works

If you, or someone you care about, is addicted to opiates, the first thing you should know is that there is help available, and that you are not alone. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that in 2014, almost two million Americans (over the age of 12) had a substance use disorder involving prescription pain relievers, heroin, or other opiates. The year before that, 6.5 million Americans reported they had used prescription drugs recreationally within the month prior to the survey. Sadly, the highest rate of illicit drug use is among those aged 18 to 25. A 2014 report claimed that there are approximately 8,000 new drug users daily; 54% of between 12- 18 years old. That is a frightening statistic, but one that?s all too real. However, if this is where you find yourself, or a loved one, don?t give up, even if you feel you?ve tried many times to start over.
There are many good paths to recovery. Choosing the one that will work best for you and your family may include some false starts; but something can be learned from everything! Wherever you may find yourself now is the best place to start.
There are many methods available, but the most effective programs seem to be those that integrate physical, mental and emotional therapies. Ibogaine therapy does this. Ibogaine is a natural psychoactive alkaloid derived from the West African shrub iboga. Research has repeatedly supported the efficacy of ibogaine treatment in breaking physical dependency on alcohol, cocaine, heroin, methadone, and prescription opiates. Ibogaine therapy also alleviates symptoms of depression, PTSD, and OCD.
Ibogaine floods the neurotransmitters with serotonin and dopamine, rebalancing the damage that?s been done by addiction. Ibogaine therapy, in plain terms, resets the mind to its pre-addicted state. Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction, cocaine addiction, and other debilitating patterns of behavior, might be the best option. It helps recharge the brain?s pathways. When administered by properly trained medical and psychological professionals in the right setting, ibogaine therapy can eliminate over 90 percent of opiate withdrawal symptoms, including alleviating the effects of PAWS (post-acute withdrawal symptoms).
As with anything it?s important to consider both positives and potential negatives. There are two concerns to keep in mind in undergoing ibogaine therapy.
First, it is important to be sure the selected facility uses pharmaceutical grade ibogaine HCL and not semi-synthetic ibogaine extracts derived from voacanga Africana. An experienced, specialized rehabilitation facility or ibogaine treatment program is trained to know the different grades and their appropriate doses.
Second, ibogaine is known to induce a psychoactive or hallucinogenic state for a short time, what some might refer to as a ?trip.? It is non-addictive, has no withdrawal symptoms other than a need for a day?s rest, and many patients report that the experience was beneficial in understanding the emotional connections and mental habits associated with their addiction. This is how ibogaine therapy integrates a tri-level approach to physical, mental, and emotional health.
At this time, ibogaine is not legal in the United States; it is classified as a Schedule I drug. However, it is legal and available in many other countries, including Mexico and Canada. As a bonus, to find some peace in a difficult time, many ibogaine drug treatment centers are located in beautiful locations. Another benefit of traveling to a distant ibogaine clinic is that a change of scene often helps support a change in thinking or lifestyle. Leaving, working through the difficulties, and then coming back refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the world!
With ibogaine therapy and its powerful ability to reset minds to their pre-addicted state, there?s hope! For getting well, getting back to life, and creating a new future.