Get Terrific Weight Loss Results in Only 6 Months! Here’s How

Have you been trying to lose weight and not having the results you want? Is that late night snack or cheat day just doing you in? Are you tired of feeling hungry all the time? If you’ve been trying various weight loss procedures, but haven’t tried a gastric balloon yet, you may want to talk with your family physician about potentially pursuing that as an option. There are also other weight loss surgery options available and if you’re considering surgical procedures, it’s good to have that chat with your doctor sooner rather than later. If you’re overweight or obese, losing even just 10% of your body weight can have significant health benefits — so if you’re 300 pounds, losing just 30 pounds can be an improvement — and can leave you with more energy and increased self-confidence.
When Am I Considered Overweight or Obese and Why Can This Be an Issue?
According to doctors, if your weight is 10-20% higher than “normal” according to the standard height/weight chart or you have a body mass index between 25-30, you’re considered “overweight.” You’re considered obese if you’re at least 20% heavier than what is typed as “normal” for your height, according to the body mass index. Currently, over one in three adults are considered to be obese and over two in three adults are considered to be overweight OR obese.
Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for heart disease, heart attack, or stroke, as well as lead to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and an increase in bad cholesterol. Just losing 5%-10% of your weight, meanwhile, has been proven to reduce your chance of developing heart disease.
What Is a Gastric Balloon and How Does It Work?
A gastric balloon is a type of bariatic surgery in which a silicon balloon is placed in a patient’s stomach using an endoscopic method. The balloon is then filled with saline solution to fill it up, which makes the patient feel full, taking away their urge to overeat. After around six months, the saline solution is removed and the balloon is taken out.
The balloon is usually passed down through the mouth and down the esophagus until it reaches the stomach, where it is inflated and filled. To be considered, you generally will need a BMI between 30-40 and some surgeons may require you to be committed to doing a two week transition diet after the balloon is removed.
The procedure will take an average of 20-30 minutes and you can go home the same day, though there’s a suggested three day at-home recovery period. There’s also a new gastric balloon pill capsule that doesn’t require any type of sedation. You simply swallow the capsule that has a tube attached; the balloon is inflated through the tube once the pill lands in your stomach.
What are the Benefits of a Gastric Balloon?
Almost 55% of adults in the United States are trying to lose weight at any given time and half say that they can’t lose weight because they lack the self-discipline necessary to be successful. A gastric balloon forces you to have self-discipline because you simply cannot overeat — you feel too full and don’t want to.
Furthermore, it’s a minimally invasive procedure with a fairly quick recovery time, compared to other weight loss surgeries and isn’t permanent, which gives you the opportunity to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself, with an extra boost from the gastric balloon. A gastric balloon can also be less expensive than other types of weight loss surgery, which is appealing, as many of these procedures aren’t covered under insurance.
You stand to have about 20-30% weight loss with gastric balloons in just six months and relieve high blood pressure, pressure or stress on joints or bones, and reduce cholesterol problems.
If you need a little extra help when it comes to weight loss, consider talking with your doctor about the possibility of a gastric balloon. Coupled with curating a healthy diet and regular exercise, you could see amazing results in only six months.