Bicycling for Exercise, Fun and Transportation

Bicycles have been around for two hundred years, and are still one of the most popular forms of transportation around the world. With around a billion bicycles currently in use, they outnumber motor vehicles by two to one. That’s good news for the planet and for the people who live on it. Bicycles are ecofriendly and healthy, providing exercise, transportation and fun in one simple package. If you’re ready to get serious about using bikes for transportation, it may help to know that you can buy most repair parts online. In fact you can build your entire machine to your own specifications from bike frames to toeclips and handlebar end caps.
Bicycling for exercise and fun
As children around the world discover, bicycles are a fun and easy way to get around. Children as young as five years of age can learn to ride a bike, according to studies by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. There will be some falls and bruises along the way, but that’s part of the process of growing up and learning to persevere. In return, you get one of the greatest gifts life has to offer – the sheer exhilaration of bowling along on two wheels under your own steam. You’re ready to see the world.
Bicycling is also one of the healthiest forms of exercise, as medical studies have shown over and over again. A study conducted by Glenn Stewart of Brunel University in London found that it reduces the risk of cardiorespiratory diseases by 40%, and the overall risk of premature mortality by 30%. And another study found that replacing your car with a bike for your commute burns as much fat as spending 40 minutes in the gym, five days a week. And it’s certainly a lot more fun.
Bicycling for transportation
Many people have considered biking to work instead of using the car. While it may be difficult to make a complete transition in one go, you can take small steps towards using bikes for transportation. Total bicycle use worldwide already saves as much as 238 gallons of gas each year. You can make a start by using your bike for short trips to the store to pick up a carton of milk, instead of getting out the car.
In fact, it’s been estimated that if just 20%, or one out of five, of short car trips were made by bicycle instead in the cities of Milwaukee and Madison in Wisconsin alone, it would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 57,405 tons. That’s certainly a worthwhile goal, and also an achievable one.
Bicycle safety and repair
If you’re serious about using bicycles for transportation, it’s important to ensure your safety on the road. If you don’t have a speciality bicycle store near you, online bike shops are a good source of information and for all kinds of parts you might need, from bike frames to bags for bikes. Bike shops are also a good source of advice on safety, from the right kind of lamps and reflective clothing to how to continue commuting by bicycle in the winter. You can also find all the spare parts needed to repair bike frames, chains, and anything else.
As the dangers of global climate change become more apparent, individuals and communities are thinking of ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is an immediate goal, and many cities recognize the importance of bicycles and public transportation in this effort. Many locations have designated bike lanes, and car drivers are becoming more conscious of the rules for sharing the road with bicyclists.
Bicycles have been a popular mode of transportation for over two hundred years. As a healthy, fun and ecofriendly form of transportation, they are an essential part of the foreseeable future as well. Online bike shops can be a great source of information and spare parts, from bike frames to safety reflective vests.