Are You Struggling With Infertility? Low Testosterone Levels Can Now Be Treated By a Doctor

If you have been trying to conceive a child for more than a year without success and are under the age of 35, you may be a good candidate for in vitro fertilization. Every year, more than 5 million Americans attend their local gynecologist to discuss their options for fertility treatments. What many people do not realize, however, is that more than one-third of the time, the man is the one who has Low T, or lower levels of testosterone. There is a variety of factors that can prevent a woman from conceiving, and doctors can help explore infertility solutions.
More than 10% of all couples who have already conceived a child have some trouble getting pregnant again. Doctors want patients to know that they can treat infertility with surgery, medicine, or tubal ovum transfer. There is a lot of misinformation about fertility treatments, and health care officials are working to inform the public about their medical options in the event of infertility. Infertility is a medical problem, not a psychological one: people may think that their infertility is caused by stress, but that is an incorrect assumption.
Another common myth about infertility is that if women do not seek help their condition will resolve of its own accord. The fact is that after meeting with a doctor and initiating treatment for Low T or female gynecological issues, about half of all patients will respond to treatment and conceive successfully. If patients do not seek treatment at all, only about 5% will end up conceiving a child. If you are wondering if you should meet with a specialist about fertility, just make an appointment and have an information-gathering session with a doctor.
Once you meet with a doctor and get evaluated, you will have a better idea of how you want to approach conception: do you have scarring on your fallopian tubes from past drug use or illness? You may want to talk to your doctor about tubal ovum transfer: your eggs are simply relocated past the point of scarification and can then be fertilized at a lower point in your fallopian tubes. Tubal ovum transfer is a surgical procedure. Couples can also opt for hormone therapy that increases a woman’s egg count. Although conception cannot be affected by stress, many people report that they feel stressed while they are waiting to conceive.
Adoption is not a viable alternative to conception for many people: they are aware that there are children who are waiting to be adopted, but they are committed to reproducing on their own. They know that they will be wonderful parents, and they are willing to undergo hormone treatment therapy, tubal ovum transfer, or Low T treatment. People who are waiting to conceive may not wish to discuss adoption, and that is their choice. Infertility clinics online frequently explain that the process of conception can take months or even years: to be supportive of friends or family who are on their journey to conceive, just be patient and listen to their goals.
The path to conception is different for every couple: some may not wish to undergo surgical procedures like tubal ovum transfer, opting instead for non-invasive hormone replacement therapy and Low T therapy. Medical technology has progressed so rapidly in the past few decades that people who could not have received help a decade ago are now able to engage in fertility treatments that have an appealing success rate. Let’s support our friends and family members as they strive to conceive a child, and let’s make sure to remember the difficult road they had to take in order to arrive at their goal.